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chad pyper
Born in Arizona
20 years
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Sarah Cox Phoenix, AZ January 5, 2009

I was skaken by the news of Chad's passing. I am glad we were able to so hello earlier in December at our annual luncheon. We last spoke about getting restarted on medicine. You were so excited, as was I. I am so sorry it didn't work out as planned. You and Chad had such a wonderful relationship. You were both blesssed.
Nancy Bailey Brown Phoenix, AZ January 5, 2009

Mark, Sarah, Paige and Brooke, and the rest of Chad's family,
So sorry to hear of Chad's loss. He was extremely special to me and will always have a special place in my heart! It has been many years since I last saw Chad, but the photos I have with him are brought out regularly to show my husband and two children how special he was. I feel so lucky to have been a small part of his life. He was so loved by all of you and will be missed. However, I hope you all find peace and comfort knowing that he is pain free and relieved from all his set backs.

With love to you all,

Frankie Welch Phoenix, AZ January 5, 2009
Brooke, my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I am here if you need anything. Chad rests with Christ now and is safe in his arms.
Katherine Gould Phoenix, AZ January 5, 2009
To the Pypers and Colones:
In God's perfect way, Chad was given to you; and all of us who love you, and have been touched by Chad and you, are blessed! May he rest now in perfect light. May you find comfort in your incredible family and friends and know you are so special!
Scott, Carly, Haysen, Zak and I send our prayers and love!
Kari Osman Salt Lake City, UT January 5, 2009
Chad Pyper received a life of comfort and love because of his loving father. He will owe Mark eternal gratitude for this selfless care. He is now free to walk, talk and meet with those who passed before him. What a reunion that must have been.
Laura Pyper "his Dad" a tribute to Mark Pyper January 4, 2009

     Chad, a chosen spirit, tested in the life before and deamed worthy to live with God.  Chad chose Mark.  Mark understood from the begining who Chad was and why he was here.  Mark set the bar high, lead by example how Chad must be treated and cared for.  Mark who was never ashamed or embarassed, took Chad everywhere.  Everyone around quickly understood that Chad was to be treated like the King that he is.  Mark never uttered a complaint, never a murmer of the sleepless nights, the acheing muscles but served Chad committing 20 years and 20 days to his every need.  Mark took literally the Matthew 25: 40 ... Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as yea have done it unto the least of my breathren , ye have done it unto me.    Mark served Chad as if he were serving Jesus Christ himself.  At Chad's 20th birthday Mark identified himself simply as "his Dad". 


     My hope is that Mark will continue to shower his daughters, step-kids, neices and nephews with love and devotion that he has shown Chad and that he might find peace and joy in that service.


     Loren, there are not  words to describe the love and devotion you have shown Chad, Mark, and the Pyper family.  You have earned the title "Chad's Mom". 


     I will miss Chad more than I have words to say.  I know he is in the presence of God the Father and His son Jesus Christ.  His mission here is done and now he serves in the Spirit world.  I know that if we follow the commandments we can have eternal families and live with Chad and Jesus Christ again. 

Jeff Pyper Family Is Eternal January 3, 2009

     I know that Chad lives beyond the grave. I know that because of the Atonement of our savior Jesus Christ, Chad will once again have a body. His new body will be without defect, it will be perfect in every way (Alma 40:23).

     Our savior Jesus Christ has made it possible for families to be together forever through covenants made with God in his holy temples. By obeying God's commandments we can all be together again. We don’t have to say goodbye to Chad because he will always exist. He will ALWAYS be a part of our family.

      For us, this life is a test to see how well we will follow God's commandments (Abr. 3:25). Chad passed the test before he came to this earth, but it is now our time to finish our test. By developing and nurturing our faith, repenting of our sins, being baptized by proper authority, and enduring to the end we can pass into God's presence clean, as Chad is clean. Eventually time will run out and we will meet our maker. I pray that I'll be worthy to be with Chad forever and with all my family.

      It is my testimony that God lives, that Jesus is his Christ, and that Families can be together FOREVER through obedience to God's commandments.

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